Monday, August 22, 2011

Apple iPad Vs Apple MacBook Pro

While the iPad is ordinarily meant to be a link in products from the iPhone to the MacBook Pro it has a vast amount of functions that can be compared to that of the MacBook Pro. The iPad is determined a tablet Pc and offers the ease of touch screen technology and portability. The MacBook Pro is determined a laptop Pc and offers a bit power and functionality then the iPad while still being relatively portable.

Users of the iPhone may find that the iPad offers much of the same features as the iPad. The difference between the two being that the iPad has a much larger view area. If you are looking for a gadget that offers some basic functions of a Pc such as internet, e-mail, word processing, and some applications then the iPad is perfect for you. The MacBook pro on the other hand is a fully functional Pc with many more capabilities and infinitely more digital storage space. When designing the iPad I think Apple leaned a bit too much towards the iPhone.

While the size of the iPad is much more favorable to carry colse to then the MacBook Pro, users will observation a loss in power due to it's smaller size. Being one of it's major selling points, the size of the iPad has been reported to have over heating issues when exposed to direct sunlight. Most major electronics are not meant to deal with the heat of direct sunlight over extended periods of time any way with something like the portability of the iPad, designers should have taken this into consideration.

Apple iPad Vs Apple MacBook Pro

The MacBook Pro has been on the store for much longer then the iPad. I am sure that the Mac Pro had it's share of quirks when it was first produced as well. If you are mental of adding an iPad to your gadget arsenal reconsider waiting till the second model comes out. This will give designers a good idea of what can be improved on and you won't be wasting your money on a prototype model.

All in all I think at this point the Mac Pro has my money. I personally own an iPhone and a laptop Pc. I can't think any reason why I would want whatever in between. If the iPad operated more on level with the MacBook Pro I could right on see the attraction to this gadget's portability perk. Before wholly putting the iPad out of mind I would like to see where Apple decides to go with it in the next few years.

apple macbook pro 17

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